Libvirt Domain About to Create Is Already Taken Please Try to Run vagrant Up Command Again

24 Answers 24

It looks like you lot may have created a Vagrant projection with just vagrant init. That volition create your Vagrantfile, simply it won't accept a box defined.

Instead, you could try

$ vagrant init hashicorp/precise32
$ vagrant up

which uses a standard Ubuntu prototype. The Vagrant website has a Getting Started which gives some adept examples.

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answered Jun 17, 2014 at v:42

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  • Gar, that was it. Why does information technology say "You are at present ready to vagrant up your first virtual environs!" so??

    Jun 30, 2015 at 21:55

  • If you've already done vagrant init and vagrant box add separately, you tin just edit Vagrantfile and set to "hashicorp/precise32" or whatever box you want to use.

    Mar 6, 2016 at 1:28

  • I agree--vagrant is very handy, but the user experience is then total of pit traps that are like shooting fish in a barrel to fall into.

    May 20, 2016 at 19:40

  • Thank you, your answer helped me!

    Apr 21, 2017 at 12:52

  • Thanks, your answer helped me.

    Apr 27, 2021 at 14:34

If you're using OS X and used the standard install, Delete vagrant'due south onetime curl and it should now work

sudo rm /opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/curl

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answered Nov ix, 2016 at 7:03

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  • Thanks, this solved it for me every bit well. +one vote up :)

    Nov 16, 2016 at 10:36

  • This fixed my effect on mac while working with local and remote boxes

    Nov 17, 2016 at 0:thirteen

  • why on globe does it embed curlicue?

    Nov 19, 2016 at 22:07

  • The -rf flag is a fleck overkill here. Just sudo rm /opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/curl is plenty. Yous should try to avert using the -r (= recursive for travelling downwards directories) and the -f (= strength without whatsoever questions asked) when they are not actually needed. They are a powerful and dangerous tool, especially in combination with sudo...

    Nov 28, 2016 at 12:24

  • This worked for me using Vagrant installed with mash cask install vagrant. The aforementioned box file worked fine with aforementioned Vagrant version on Ubuntu 16.04.

    November 29, 2016 at 11:46

                vagrant init laravel/homestead                              

and then

                vagrant up                              

Was what worked for me.

answered Mar 20, 2015 at sixteen:07

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  • Perfect ! Thanks ! If someone can explain me why this happen I'll be glad :)

    Jul 1, 2015 at 9:xix

  • Thanks, it was driving me crazy hehe. greetings from Republic of chile

    Dec fourteen, 2015 at iv:59

  • utilise --forcefulness with vagrant init if there is already a vagrantfile

    Mar 30, 2016 at 8:56

  • both to a higher place 2 answers fixed my problem. first remove 'curl' folder run sudo rm /opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/roll so run vagrant init laravel/homestead and then vagrant up

    Jan 10, 2017 at 21:56

This happened due to having a vagrant file without a divers box proper noun. this happen when you running vagrant init with out a box name parameter.

So y'all have to delete the Vagrant file then

                vagrant init box-championship vagrant up                              

I hope this could help!

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19.4k 11 aureate badges 64 silver badges 95 statuary badges

answered Dec eleven, 2014 at 18:02

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  • The list of available boxes is here

    May 8, 2015 at xi:04

  • this answer saved me from 3 months loop of failing to vagrant that box up, thank you ( i'chiliad on windows vii)

    Nov 11, 2015 at 0:37

work to me these are the following steps:

  • cd homestead (in your directory homestead binder) OR cd Homestead
  • del vagrantfile or rm -Rf Vagrantfile
  • vagrant init laravel/homestead
  • vagrant up

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answered Aug 13, 2015 at 3:29

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Please run this in your terminal:

                $ vagrant box list                              

Yous volition see something similar laravel/homestead(virtualbox,10.10.x)

Adjacent locate your Vagrantfile and locate the line that says

       = "box"                              

replace box with the box name when y'all run vagrant box list.

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59.1k 25 gold badges 170 argent badges 185 statuary badges

answered May xxx, 2015 at eighteen:21


  • Note that the "Vagrantfile" is located in: C:\Users\YourUsername if you are using Windows.

    Dec 19, 2016 at 8:04

  • That solved it for me considering my box image mentioned in the .kitchen.yml wasn't available anymore. Catchy.

    Mar 1, 2017 at ix:46

if "Vagrantfile" already exists in this directory. Remove it before running "vagrant init". fault shows then

                i. rm Vagrantfile 2. vagrant init hashicorp/precise64 three. vagrant up                              

answered Mar 24, 2018 at 3:47

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  • ==> default: Box 'hashicorp/precise64' could not be found. Attempting to find and install... This allowed for remote install which is what I preferred anyways. I am running on VirtualBox Windows Host with Ubuntu14 customer

    January 29, 2019 at 23:39

  • This worked for me. So the problem is that when you do vagrant init, vagrant defaults to naming your "box" in Vagrantfile to just "base"? And to make that work, you lot had to specify a non-default Vagrant box name?

    Feb xv, 2019 at thirteen:31

I know this is old, but I got exactly the same fault. Turns out I was missing this step that is clearly in the documentation.

I needed to edit the Vagrantfile to set the equal to the prototype I had downloaded, hashicorp/precise32. By default it was set to base.

Here's what the documentation says:

Now that the box has been added to Vagrant, we need to configure our projection to utilize it as a base of operations. Open the Vagrantfile and change the contents to the following:

                  Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "hashicorp/precise32" stop                                  

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59.1k 25 gold badges 170 argent badges 185 statuary badges

answered Oct xxx, 2015 at 0:38

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  • It helps. I am using "vagrant init", the error comes. After specified "hashicorp/precise32" everything seems OK.

    Feb 16, 2016 at half dozen:44

  • The step is in the official documentation but look at how many authors responding to this question don't include information technology.

    May 6, 2020 at 19:16

There appears to be something wrong with the embedded roll program in Vagrant. Post-obit the advice above I just renamed it (simply in example I wanted it dorsum) and vagrant up began to work as expected.

On my mac:

♪ .vagrant.d sudo mv /opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/curl /opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/curlOLD Password:

answered November xi, 2016 at 0:00

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  • While I'm not sure if this answers the original question it did help me. Excavation into it a fleck further I ran the embedded curl command and got dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libcurl.4.dylib Referenced from: /opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/curl_old Reason: Incompatible library version: curl_old requires version 9.0.0 or afterwards, but libcurl.4.dylib provides version 7.0.0

    Nov fourteen, 2016 at 16:29

  • I had the aforementioned issue with Vagrant 1.eight.7 on OSX. The higher up worked.

    Nov 15, 2016 at 15:31

i experience this mistake too. I retrieve it was considering I failed to supply a box_url..

                vagrant init precise64                              

answered Jul 23, 2015 at 17:25

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  • Calculation config.vm.box_url = "" to my Vagrantfile stock-still information technology for me.

    Feb 8, 2016 at 16:52

With me I got an error when run vagrant up is (I used Macbook pro, Mac Bone: x.12.ane):

An error occurred while downloading the remote file. The error message, if whatsoever, is reproduced beneath. Please prepare this error and try again. Couldn't open file...

I tried to delete the Vagrantfile in my folder and run:

vagrant init hashicorp/precise64

and so:

vagrant up

It tin can solved my trouble. Promise this can help for someone who face up the aforementioned problem.

answered Nov 11, 2016 at vi:49

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  • I tried all of that several times. The just thing that worked was renaming whorl. (Mac OS 10.12)

    Nov xvi, 2016 at six:15

  • Worked for me as well on a PC running windows 10

    Jan 6, 2017 at vi:43

I faced same issue when I ran following commands

              vagrant init vagrant up   Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... ==> default: Box 'base of operations' could non be found. Attempting to find and install...     default: Box Provider: virtualbox     default: Box Version: >= 0 ==> default: Box file was not detected as metadata. Adding it direct... ==> default: Adding box 'base' (v0) for provider: virtualbox     default: Downloading: base An error occurred while downloading the remote file. The error bulletin, if any, is reproduced beneath. Delight prepare this error and effort again.  Couldn't open file /home/...../base                          

I corrected with

              >vagrant init laravel/homestead >Vagrant up                          

It worked for me.

Happy coding

answered Mar 14, 2017 at three:03

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The first and most important step before starting a Vagrant is, check which all boxes are present in your system. Utilize this command for getting the list of boxes bachelor.

vagrant box listing

Then motility to further process that is, selecting a particular box

vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64 (I have selected ubuntu/trusty64)

and so,

vagrant upwardly


answered May 17, 2020 at 20:48

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  • "Side by side, run the [vagrant upwards] control in your terminal and access your project at homestead.test in your browser. Call back, you will nonetheless need to add an /etc/hosts file entry for homestead.test or the domain of your pick if you are non using automatic hostname resolution." Note: this is straight from the Laravel documentation for Homestead. It says goose egg about {box-title} in that section of text, so proverb passive-ambitious things like "NOTE: It would be neat if y'all do a little fleck of Google/Youtube search rather than blindly firing commands :) Thanks" is really not necessary.

    Aug three, 2020 at 16:00

well, really you take to do:

                vagrant up laravel/homestead                              

because according to homestead walkthrough you've just downloaded it: past:

                vagrant box add together laravel/homestead                              

so yous take to launch the box y'all mean to employ - not some random ubuntu image ;)

answered Feb 10, 2015 at 14:20

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i've solved this problem in command line. First change directory to your vagrant file location, then init the Vagrant:

                vagrant init hashicorp/bionic64                              

! Yous will demand delete the old Vagrant file.

And so

                vagrant up                              

answered Jun fifteen, 2021 at 17:46

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  • well, you saved someone in 2021 :)

    Jun xxx, 2021 at 21:24

  • :D ♥ nice John!

    Jan 26 at 17:27

This work for me on Windows x:

But it is necessary to delete the file: Vagranfile later apply the control:

              vagrant init precise64                          

And afterward

              vagrant up                          

answered Jul 21, 2017 at 2:eleven

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In case, you added a box and started downloading it but interrupted that download, become to ~/.vagrant.d/tmp/ and delete the fractional download file, then effort again.

answered Dec xv, 2015 at 22:30

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I solved this problem past going to binder .vagrant.d/boxes/ under your home and changed name of the folder from laravel-VAGRANTSLASH-homestead to base. And information technology worked for me.

Delight check if virtualization is enabled in your BIOS.

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59.1k 25 gold badges 170 silverish badges 185 statuary badges

answered Mar 5, 2016 at 23:twenty

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  • yous should have run "vagrant init laravel-VAGRANTSLASH-homestead"

    Dec v, 2016 at 17:39

y'all can also just add the vm to your machine

              vagrant box add precise32                          

answered Mar 14, 2017 at 5:56

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When y'all exercise vagrant init , information technology replaces the vagrant file in your repo and tin give you that error. So I would propose you copy the original vagrant file from remote or a backup vagrant file and try vagrant up after that.

I came across same issue and I just copied the vagrant file from my remote repo and replaced the vagrant file I was trying to run. This synced the configurations in the vagrant file with the VM.

answered Sep 8, 2015 at fifteen:05

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edit the vagrant file created by vagrant init in the same directory and enter the box proper noun in the line = "ubuntu/trusty64" where ubuntu/trusty64 is your base box. Now vagrant upwardly will download and set ubuntu/trusty64 equally base box for you lot.

answered Nov 21, 2017 at 6:14

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Follow the below syntax when creating the virtual box:

                              $ vagrant box add together {title} {url}  $ vagrant init {title}  $ vagrant up                          

Run across

answered Apr sixteen, 2018 at 22:02

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Check Homestead.yaml file carefully.Check if there is any extra space character after line ends. And then, open gitbash -> go Homestead directory -> control "vagrant up --provision".

answered Oct 26, 2018 at 5:twenty

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Check the post-obit entry in your Vagrantfile

              Every Vagrant development environment requires a box. You can search for boxes at = "base"                          

This is the default file setting which is created with vagrant init command. Only what you demand to do is do initialise vagrant environs with an Bone box. For instance $vagrant init centos/7 . And the Vagrantfile volition look something like this:

              Every Vagrant development surround requires a box. You lot tin search for boxes at = "centos/vii"                          

This will resolve the error of not found base when doing a vagrant up.

answered Aug fifteen, 2020 at sixteen:32

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